all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 7AH 7 53.529301 -1.634213
S36 7BU 0 53.531482 -1.636125
S36 7BW 0 53.533312 -1.637663
S36 7BX 1 53.533904 -1.637462
S36 7EX 0 53.542212 -1.650323
S36 7EY 1 53.536716 -1.625368
S36 7EZ 1 53.53877 -1.644649
S36 7GA 0 53.542787 -1.644312
S36 7GB 0 53.548602 -1.641277
S36 7GD 0 53.548909 -1.627088
S36 7GE 1 53.554333 -1.62858
S36 7GF 2 53.54999 -1.66475
S36 7GG 0 53.548718 -1.665438
S36 7GH 0 53.55144 -1.668299
S36 7GJ 2 53.55211 -1.670665
S36 7GL 0 53.551464 -1.670472
S36 7GN 0 53.551424 -1.67242
S36 7HA 0 53.539064 -1.598096
S36 7HB 1 53.536867 -1.610626
S36 7HD 0 53.540759 -1.594413